Theatre Circus

50 years


The Mummenschanz show up… and so does the audience, everywhere in the world. The Swiss company is more than a name: it is an art form that has left a durable mark on the world of theater with unprecedented and unique shows. Filled with dreams, absurdity and tenderness, those acts give life to universes full of little stories and big creatures. Made of moss, clay, metal or toilet paper, those funny silhouettes perambulate silently, carried by virtuoso artists invisible to the naked eye. Surrealistic situations always end up getting out of hand, bringing about laughter and poetry.


Upcoming performances open to the public

Upcoming performances for schools


  • Duration 1h30
  • Public From 8 years old
  • Place Theatre
  • Full price Cat. 1 : 20 €
    Cat. 2 : 16 €
  • Young persons Cat. 1 : 9 €
    Cat. 2 : 8 €
  • Children Cat. 1 : 4.50 €
    Cat. 2 : 4 €


Direction artistique Floriana Frassetto Avec Christa Barrett (en alternance avec Sara Lerch), Tess Burla, Kevin Blaser (en alternance avec Samuel Müller), Floriana Frassetto, Manuel Schunter Direction technique Éric Sauge Crédit photo Noe Flum


Production Fondation Mummenschanz

In the press

Le Figaro

« Depuis 1972, ils demeurent des enchanteurs qui réussissent le rare prodige de mettre enfants et adultes dans le même état d’étonnement, d’interrogations, d’émerveillement. »

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